Student Contest

A student paper contest will be held for Oahu undergraduate college students. IEEE would like to encourage and recognize the researching talent and ingenuity in keeping with the theme of IEEE GLOBECOM 2009, “Riding the Wave to Global Connectivity” by sponsoring the Premier Student Paper Competition. The goal of this competition is to encourage undergraduate students to demonstrate or describe and discuss a topic in communications technology and be aware of the effective use of communications technology in contributing to a global setting. Students may write a technical report or a white paper on a technical topic. Topical ideas may be aligned with the IEEE GLOBECOM conference topics. An IPOD for best white paper as well as an IPOD for the best technical report as well as other prizes will be awarded.

This is a call for papers (actually an abstract of the paper) for the contest. The abstract should state the topic's relevance to Global Connectivity. Abstracts are due by 25 Septemberف2009. The latest information will be posted on group called “Hawaii Section Volunteer and Student Paper Contest FAQs and Sign-up” on the ComSoc Communities website (you do not have to be a member to register).

Detailed information is available on the following sites.

For more information, please contact Vincent Lee of UH-Leeward atف